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Pathfinder A full-size crossover with a spacious interior has been produced since 1984, but continues to amaze with its high ratings and sales figures. This is a car for those who are interested in a powerful and representative model for moving around the city and in light off-road conditions. By 2014, the vehicle was delivered to dealers in Russia from Spain. But then the collection was localized at a factory in St. Petersburg. So far, there are no noticeable differences, and our fellow citizens are happy to buy a domestically assembled Pathfinder.


Rentner sind bereit, Putin zu küssen: Das Dekret hat alle getroffen mehr 1951 feierte Nissan die Geburt des Patrol, des ersten Allrad-SUV mit 6 Zylindern. Im August 1958 rollte Nissan den High-End-Datsun Bluebird vom Band, der für den persönlichen Gebrauch gebaut wurde. Ein bemerkenswertes Merkmal des Bluebird war die erstmalige Einführung von Servo-Vorderradbremsen durch japanische Hersteller, die es selbst gebrechlichen Frauen ermöglichten, mit einer leichten Berührung des Pedals langsamer zu werden. Der Bluebird der ersten Generation verkörperte die Eigenschaften eines zuverlässigen, attraktiven und langlebigen Autos.

Micra The Micra car, of course, is not for everybody. In Russia, the model is not in great demand. However, at the same time, it is the absolute champion among Nissan cars in terms of sales worldwide, as it belongs to the European compact class. Small, compact and incredibly economical, the machine is made in the UK and Japan. Just like the previous model, this machine is very popular with the female. In Japan, this car is known as the Nissan March. The design of the car was developed by Japan, and the interior of the European design studio.